How Do I Write My Own Wedding Vows?
2 days ago
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It was a hard choice for the judges, I would imagine. I liked all the collections and all the women had items that I would like to wear. Leanne had great "formal" wear, Korto had a good mix of formal and everyday, and Kenley had the best everyday clothing. Thanks for posting our favorites.
Wow, really innovative, talented designers. Were they allowed to do their own thing for the finale or did they have another challenge? Thanks for the good wishes on my blog, I just added you to my blogroll :)
thanks, judi. i love your take on the finale!
thanks, claudia. yes, they were allowed total creative freedom and it really showed. they just had to stick to their budget.
I was also hoping Korto would end up winning, but Leanne really did have some beautiful pieces. I loved the shades of aqua she used.
she did rebecca but i thought that it was too much aqua and cream. not enough variety but the shapes were gorgeous.
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