A must do task on your to do list is to make sure that you properly thank the girls that are standing by your side through the madness that is your wedding. It is important to find gifts that are beautiful and reflect your friend's taste. What would she pick out for herself? Keep her in mind when you are shopping. Here are some ideas:

Gifts from Victoria's Secret (www.victoriassecret.com)
in order of appearance: feather slippers, rhinestone halter babydoll, silk boxers, white lace pajama set

Gifts from Wedding Things (www.weddingthings.com)
in order of appearance: monogrammed hankie, lacy frilly panties, fund money boxes, pink espresso set

Gifts from Exclusively Weddings (www.exclusivelyweddings.com)
in order of appearance: stylish compact mirror, butterfly lipstick case, cultured pearl watch

Gifts from Horchow (www.horchow.com)
in order of appearance: crystal flashlight, ipod travel case with speakers, mongrammed travel clock

Gifts from Red Envelope (www.redenvelope.com)
in order of appearance: think pink orchid candle, tennis court bag (also available in pink), patent leather clutch wallet