Monday, April 21, 2008

I Have a Secret - Shhhhhhh

Okay. It will probably only be a secret for a second but I just found out (or maybe I am late) that DSW has FINALLY opened its online store and I am in trouble. You think that I can get away from the shoes at my thing for DSW shoes is worse. Oh my. Please save me. I love the sandals on the home page. Here's to buying shoes until you are blue in the face. Get to shopping at


  1. Anonymous3:38 PM

    oh, halleleua - it's about time!!! I kept checking, and checking... and they JUST sent me a $10 certificate for my b-day (thanks DSW, i love you too!!).
    thanks for the good news!

  2. You've been tagged. Stop by and check out the rules!!!
